Thursday, April 12, 2007

Pacey 2 miles

Suprisingly I wasn't very sore after yesterday's 5 miler and set out on a pretty quick 2 mile run. You can see some good size dips in there towards the end where I walked for 50 yards or so. We'll see. Tonight's tentative plan is to run to the gym, lift, and run home.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

5.27 Miles in 45:13

I decided this weekend that I was going to start upping the distance. 64 degrees and a very steady downpour was not going to stop me. I put in my longest run since my comeback in pretty dismal conditions. I am not going to fully commit too it yet...but yeah, I am seriously considering picking a marathon for late summer, early fall. Sean, let me know how you feeling, because I need your support to make this happen....Step up anyone?

2 more runs without my Nike Chip..found it though

Two nice runs to report. 33 minutes Thursday, and then a 4 miler (38 minutes) on Friday in Tampa. Felt great on both runs. My stomach (Crohn's) is a MESS right now, but I am hoping to log at least 4 miles this evening. Possibly 5.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

1.55 and 3.68

loggin a 1.55 miler kind of late here:

Yesterday I set off for a 20 minute or so run and ended up putting in 3.68 in 30:03. I felt really good, and am excited to push for 40 minutes tonight. We'll see...I am feeling motivated to get back into running.